

人才市场报 猎头职场 2011年08月01日
In search of the perfect resume

Tailor your resume to each new job:As your career progresses, competition between candidates will increase and empolyers will be on the lookout for candidates who best fit their organization and position. Your resume needs to key into the organization and the position for which you are applying with greater accuracy.

Never let your resume go over two pages: According to one source, 60per cent of the first page registers on a first read and only 40 per cent of the second page. This demonstrates that page three really will not be worth writing. It is also unlikely that your prospective imployer will want to employ someone who cannot be concise.

Keep it relevant: The resume is intended to get you to the interview it is not intended to give a full picture of you.At this stage the imployer want only to indentify individuals with the skills and aptituke for the job, bot to find the successful applicant.

Don't bury your talent: Make sure your best qualities and achievements are there on page one, ready to grab attention. Let this dictate the structure, - determining whether your employment histroy should come before your education and qulifications. As your career progresses the emphasis attached to each section will vary. Formal education and qualifications sill become less important, first jobs can be overlooked, be sure to emphasize your most current and relefvant experience.

Concentrate on your achievement: Focus on projecs your carried out and those to which you made a significant contribution. Stating your reposibilities does not show you are a good worker. Try where possible, to illustrate how your work has resulted in achievement and show how you have brought value to the organization.
